Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest The answer is “What is the question you get asked the most.” The question is “What about the Forrest Reinternment?’ When traveling around and visiting camps, this question has been asked almost without exception. Because everyone is asking, I understand that it is a sensitive subject and people are curious. Currently our beloved Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, Mary Ann Montgomery Forrest, are still buried in Health Sciences Park, originally Forrest Park, in Memphis.
Due to the pandemic shutdown of the court system, things have been delayed. In November of 2020, we received court approval to take over the remains, since then our permit was approved in January 2021 to begin exhuming operations. Now we must set a date and coordinate this with Greenspace.
Both parties have to approve the dates to begin exhuming. Once this begins, it will be an exhaustive task due to it being an archeological exhumation. We also have to figure in the weather because of the granite and marble that makes up the pedestal and plaza. This time of the year will only crack and split such pieces. Thus, at this time, we do not even have a time frame. However, please rest assured in knowing that as soon as we know you will know.
With that being said, we have another big issue and that is funding. To make the reinternment open to members of our organization, this will not be cheap. There is not a line item in the budget to cover the cost. Cost will include security, portable bathrooms, ambulance and fire services just to name a few. Everything that would be needed for a large crowd that could be as large as the Hunley funeral. That expected cost is $100,000. The bottom line is we have to raise these funds or the reinternment will be a closed private service for the family only.
This is to bring you up to date, so everyone knows what’s happening and what to expect. At a time when you are being asked to help with the museum and with the social uncertainty, you are being asked to dig deeper once again to make this happen.
I know it seems vague because we have not set a date but a date will be coming at some point in the next few months once exhuming begins and we need the funding to be in place. I know it is early but this give us time to make it happen.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Won’t you give to make this worthwhile event happen for General Nathan Bedford Forrest?
Larry McCluney, Commander-in-Chief Paul Gramling, Past Commander-in-Chief Jason Boshers, Lt. Commander-in-Chief |
Please make a donation and make your check out to the Sons of Confederate Veterans and in the for line put “Forrest Internment”, or call SCV headquarters and make a donation by credit card or debit. Call 1-800-mysouth and ask for Executive Director Adam Southern. Lets bring the general and his wife back home and lay them in a final resting place provided by those who love him most.
Mail checks to: Sons of Confederate Veterans, PO Box 59, Columbia, TN 38402
Mrs.Nathan Bedford (Mary Ann Montgomery) Forrest
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