The next meeting
of Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390, will be from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, November 11,
at Joe’s Pizza and Pasta, 1601 Ruth St. in Sulphur. We will elect 2015 officers
and hear Tommy Curtis’s presentation on Steven Read, CSA veteran and the first
judge in Old Imperial Calcasieu Parish. Our special guests will be the ladies
from Calcasieu United Daughters of the Confederacy, under the direction of
President Jan Craven. The ladies will present an overview of their work and answer
any membership questions from interested SCV wives. Please plan to attend this
important and entertaining meeting.
Bryan Camp To Participate
in Sulphur
Veterans Parade
Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390 will
participate in the 2014 Sulphur Veterans Parade on Saturday, Nov. 8. Here is
some information about the event from the Sulphur Armed Forces Committee:
The Veterans Day celebration will honor
all who served in the armed forces. The parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. at
Cypress St. at W.W. Lewis Middle School, and proceed to SPAR at 400 W. Parish Rd. where
the ceremony will take place at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Captain Bryan Camp took part in the
parade last year and was very well received Sulphur. Any camp members who would
like to participate contact SWLA Brig. Cmdr. Archie Toombs at
Commander's Column, November 2014
Dr. Andy Buckley,
camp commander
As the year 2014 winds down, I am grateful for what we have accomplished
together as the Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp. To avoid a paragraph composed of one long rambling run-on sentence, allow
me to list our projects and involvements this year:
1. We
have reached new members for the SCV.
2. We
have strengthened our monthly programs by involving a variety of interesting
3. We
have established a printed agenda for our monthly meetings.
4. We
commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Calcasieu Pass.
5. We
marked the graves of the nearly two hundred Confederate veterans buried in here
in Calcasieu Parish.
6. We
assisted our Louisiana SCV Division in conducting the Spring Reunion in De
We participated in the Sulphur Veterans Parade for the second year. 8. We
continued our support of Niblett's Bluff, the only park in Calcasieu Parish that flies the
Confederate Battle Flag.9. We developed a closer relationship with the ladies of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
10. We have developed regular monthly coverage of our work in the Lake Charles American Press.
11. We presented the SCV Hunley Award to JROTC students at La Grange and Washington-Marion High Schools.
12. We participated in Louisiana Division SCV commemorations at Mansfield and Pleasant Hill.
We supported the successful candidacy of Archie Toombs for the office of
Southwest Brigade Commander.
We visited Camp meetings in Orange and Woodville, Texas; Lafayette and De
Ridder, Louisiana to encourage fellow SCV members.
Our Commander served as the keynote speaker at the Acadiana Civil War
Roundtable in New Iberia, Louisiana.
We raised the funds necessary to pay the second half of our college scholarship
at McNeese.
We worked tables at three Southwest Louisiana Gun Shows in Lake Charles.
We cut the grass several times at the Confederate Memorial construction site in
Orange, Texas.
We had the highest attendance in the history of our camp for the Lee-Jackson
Banquet with 35 present.
If you didn’t know it before now, the
Captain James W. Bryan Camp is a busy and active organization. Thank you for
the contribution you have made this year by attending our monthly meetings,
inviting new people to join the SCV, volunteering to work the Gun Show,
supporting the camp financially, serving as an officer, and involving yourself
in one of our worthy projects and events. We could not have accomplished what
we have done without your involvement and support.
I am grateful for the confidence you have
expressed in me through the privilege of serving as your Commander this past
year. I have said before but will say it again, I have some big shoes to fill
following the leadership of Past Commanders Archie Toombs, Gordon Simmons, Mike
Jones, Tommy Curtis, and Travis Lanier. They have provided a solid foundation
for our future.
The SCV is really no different than any
other organization in respect to our attendance and our work. Each member gets
out what they put in. We all have talents and abilities which should be
employed to advance the work of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Our
detractors in the liberal press and the political correctness and revisionist
historians in academia are working overtime to remove all remnants of
Confederate heritage from our culture, educational institutions, and national consciousness.
It is time all of us get actively involved in the fray!Edward Ward Carmack was an attorney and Tennessee newspaper man who served as a U.S. Senator from 1901 to 1907. Senator Carmack was a strong supporter of the Confederate soldier, our Southern way of life, and an early SCV member. Over one hundred years ago Carmack referred to the great challenge facing all true Southerners of every generation:
"The Confederate Soldiers were our kinfolk and our heroes. We testify to the country our enduring fidelity to their memory. We commemorate their valor and devotion. There were some things that were NOT surrendered at Appomattox. We did not surrender our rights and history; nor was it one of the conditions of surrender that
We face some challenging times with so much misrepresented
information about the South and our Southern Heritage. (See the story on the
decline of NASCAR) We must stay the course and remain very diligent in the
defense of our beloved South and its precious heritage. As your Commander I
want every member of the Captain James W. Bryan Camp to make it a goal this
year to recruit at least one new member to the SCV. There are millions of Americans
with Southern and Confederate lineage. We need to recruit and retain these likeminded
men into our organization.
Please make every effort to be present at
our next meeting, Tuesday, November 11 at Joe’s Pizza in Sulphur. We will elect
2015 officers and hear Tommy Curtis’s presentation on Steven Read, CSA veteran
and the first judge in Old Imperial Calcasieu Parish. Our special guests will be
the ladies from our Calcasieu United Daughters of the Confederacy, under the direction
of President Jan Craven. The ladies will present an overview of their work and
answer any membership questions from interested SCV wives. I can hardly wait,
so until we gather together again. Until then I remain…
Yours in Our Great
Dr. Andy Buckley, Commander
It's no secret that NASCAR attendance is
dropping across the country, including here in Atlanta. Perhaps there's a
Early in 2013, NASCAR announced that it would
no longer be publicly divulging attendance estimates of its races. In Atlanta,
we know that the size of crowds has been progressively getting smaller and
smaller in recent years; and now it appears likely that NASCAR will cut back to
a single major race in Atlanta each year, effectively ending the tradition of a
major Labor Day race in Atlanta. But the trend is not just in Atlanta, as races
are being cut from other venues; and some venues are reportedly cutting out
huge portions of their grandstand capacity for the remaining races.
car racing in general, has long been a primarily Southern sport gone national.
The popularity of racing spread nationally over the last 20 years after
existing for multiple generations mainly at Southern tracks with rural Southern
blue-collar fans in Southern states. In fact, just a few short years ago,
NASCAR racing appeared poised to become one of the largest national sports in
America, even boasting the largest average attendance of any sport. So what has
happened within a single decade to effectively end that chase for popularity and,
instead, turn into a situation where major racing venues, especially across the
South, are having trouble even filling their stands where once it was literally
standing room only?
In 2012, NASCAR made the
decision to ban the appearance of the "General Lee" Dodge Charger
from the former television series "Dukes of Hazzard," citing as their
reason, "The image of the Confederate flag is not something that should
play an official role in our sport as we continue to reach out to new fans and
make NASCAR more inclusive," according to NASCAR spokesman David Higdon.
Ben Jones who played "Cooter" on the former television show -- and
who now serves as the national Chief of Heritage Operations for the Sons of
Confederate Veterans -- said this about the decision back in 2012, "At a
time when tens of millions of Americans are honoring their Union and
Confederate ancestors during this Sesquicentennial of the Civil War, NASCAR has
chosen to dishonor those Southerners who fought and died in that terrible
conflict by caving to 'political correctness' and the uninformed concerns of
corporate sponsors."
But NASCAR made the decision
to abandon its Southern roots right after the turn of the new century. Echoing
the sentiments of NASCAR spokesmen and executives, Dale Earnhardt, Jr said as
far back as 2003 in an interview with Complex Magazine about the Confederate
flag, "Anybody who is trying to show that flag is probably too ignorant to
know what the hell he's doing."
More and more over the last
decade, NASCAR has become dependent upon television deals to make up for the
declining attendance of actual people at their races -- the rank and file rural
Southerners who have been the traditional fan base of racing since the first
moonshiners raced out of the hills with their cargo and defiance of what they
viewed as tyrannical and intrusive federal authorities.
Back in 2010, NASCAR spokesman
Steve Phelps reportedly stated in an interview, "We don't condone that
type of display and putting the flags out, the Confederate flags. That is not
something that we think is good for the sport, candidly. So it's something that
we see, candidly, we see fewer and fewer of them as you go to races and you
know, ultimately it'll be something that'll die away completely."
Ironically, NASCAR's continued attack upon the Confederate battle flag and
Southern heritage symbols appears to be having unintended consequences, not the
least of which is that it appears that it is NASCAR racing, itself, that seems
to be dying away.
(Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans Press Release
Atlanta - September 4, 2014)
At left are three pictures of Rev. William D. Chadick at various stages of his ministrty, in the early years, as a uniformed Confederate chaplain, and in his mature years. (Photos courtesy of Dr. Jack Thielen, M.D.)
November’s issue of the Captain James W.
Bryan Camp Confederate Greys Newsletter features the story of one our newest
member’s Confederate Ancestor, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister William
Davidson Chadick, Ancestor of Dr. Jack Thielen, M.D.

In the family were five sons, all of whom
became ministers: James, a Methodist; William D., Stakeley and Isaac,
Cumberland Presbyterians; Albert, a Methodist; and Charles, Cumberland
Rev. William D. Chadick was not only a
minister of the gospel but was also editor of the Banner of Peace, the
publication of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in the South. He was a
Democrat and a Mason and his education was the equivalent of college/seminary
training, with theology and ministry courses.

Chadick was made chief of staff to
Governor Shorter, of Alabama, and was for some time in command of the North
Alabama forces acting under the Governor. With Federal guns boats upstream at
Florence, Alabama Governor Shorter called for the formation of four Calvary
regiments to prevent the invasion and occupation of South Alabama. Colonel
Chadick was sent out into the hills of North Alabama to raise the units. He
brought them in, old and young, mounted on old horses, colts, and mules, and,
as it was cold, and blankets scarce, every man of them brought a bed-quilt. All
these quilts were of different colors leading to the regiment being named the
“bed-quilt regiment."
Reports indicated Colonel Chadick was
much beloved by his men. He never lost sight of his duties as a Christian and
the high and sacred position he held as a minister of the gospel. Following the
war Rev. Chadick continued to serve as a notable pastor, evangelist, and
denominational leader within the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama.
Jane Chaddick the wife of Rev. William D. Chadick, wrote the only known diary
chronicling the Union Army's occupation of Huntsville from 1862-65. The Civil
War diary of Mary Jane Chadick of Huntsville, Alabama, has been a popular
source for historians since it first appeared in serial form in the Huntsville
Times in 1937.Chadick's witty observation of life under military occupation and
the social and cultural tension of southern women living in a wartime world are
quoted by writers of many books about the Civil War.
Grave of Rev. William D. Chaddick
Mary Jane Chadick's wartime journal
As required by Captain Bryan Camp by-laws to publish the official ballot at least two weeks before the camp election, it is published below:
DANVILLE, Va. – A move to remove the
Third National Confederate Flag from a war memorial at the Danville Museum of
Fine Arts has been thwarted, according to news reports.
City Manager Joe King said recently that
under Virginia law, the city has no legal authority to remove the flag on the
museum grounds.
The controversy began with a request by
the Danville Museum of Fine Arts that the flag be removed by the city.
The museum is located in the Sutherlin
Mansion and the city became owner of it in 1914 with the help of Anne Eliza
Johns Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy. The museum leased the
mansion in 1983 and the historical monument was installed in 1994 by the
Heritage Preservation Association. It consists of a 7-foot granite obelisk and
a flagpole flying the Third National Flag. Danville was the last capital of the
The last meetings
of the Confederate cabinet were in the Sutherlin Mansion.
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