Our next monthly meeting is
at Joe’s Italian Restaurant in Sulphur, Tuesday, September 9, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Special guest speaker will be James Ronald Kennedy, former Louisiana SCV
Division Commander and co-author of the national best seller, The South Was Right!. Kennedy will speak
on the subject, “Post Appomattox: Reconciliation or Vindication?” Most of us
have read Ron’s book, The South Was
Right! a book that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. James Ronald
Kennedy and his brother Walter Donald Kennedy have been great defenders of the
accurate political and military history of the War Between the States and the
Reconstruction period. Please come and enjoy great food, a great speaker and
Confederate fellowship.
Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390
annual dues are now due. If you haven’t already paid, please do so as soon as
possible. The renewal total is just $42 for the whole year. Checks may be made
out of Sons of Confederate Veterans and sent to Camp Adjutant Luke Dartez, 908 Henning Road, Sulphur, La. 70665. Our
local camp has been very active and involved in the community in getting out
the message about the true history of the South, the War for Southern
Independence and the true causes of the war. There has been a concerted “culture
war” going on the America for quite some time now to wipe out all aspects of
traditional American history and values, especially the history, heritage and
moral values of the South. The Sons of Confederate Veterans is and has been
battling for the good name of our Confederate ancestors, the values they truly
stood for, such as those espoused in the Declaration of Independence, the
original U.S. Constitution and the Doctrine of States Rights as formulated by
Thomas Jefferson. Membership is vital to our mission. Please renew right away
if you haven’t already.
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Dr. Andy Buckley |
Your Way Home
Commander’s Column
September, 2014
Dr. Andy Buckley,
camp commander
At the beginning of the 20th Century Moxie was the number one soft
drink in American, purchased and consumed by millions. The company spent $1.5
million dollars annually on advertisement. In 1901 the board of directors
decided to reduce adverting expenses. Their reasoning was as follows: “Why
spend over $1 million dollars per year when Moxie is already the number one
soft drink beverage?” They cut the advertising budget by $1 million and gave
themselves nice salary increases. Today Moxie is virtually unknown to 95% of
our country. When the promotion stopped, Americans in the South, Midwest, Rocky
Mountain West, and on the West coast forgot about Moxie. It is sold only in the
New England states region today.
A similar fate can come to the Sons of the Confederate Veterans if
we neglect to do everything in our power to promote our organization to those
around us. We cannot dare to stop telling our story or we’ll end up like Moxie,
insignificant and marginalized. We are privileged to be a part of a great
organization which celebrates and honors our Confederate ancestors, our
southern way of life and culture, and the accurate history of the War Between
the States.
greatest advertisement for the Sons of Confederate Veterans is the active
involvement and the enthusiastic support of members like you and me. Your leadership
works very hard to provide a monthly meeting experience which will allow our
membership to bring guests and prospective members. Our monthly meetings and
the follow-up publicity in the American Press Sunday Life Section, is great
advertisement and promotion, allowing our camp to get our story out to the
Joe David Pool spoke at our March monthly SCV meeting in Sulphur.
His topic was “A Brief History of the 17th Louisiana Infantry Regiment.” In his
talk Joe highlighted the life and military service of his ancestor David Pool,
who served in the 17th Louisiana. At lunch the other day Joe David told me he
was deeply impressed with the involvement and membership participation of our
Captain James W. Bryan Camp. Since speaking to us, Joe David has been invited
to present programs in other camps. He said the other camp meetings were not as
widely attended as ours, and there was less enthusiasm and discussion by
members. Let’s keep doing the things we’ve been doing.
Our next monthly meeting is at Joe’s Italian Restaurant in
Sulphur, Tuesday, September 9, 6:00-8:00 pm. Special guest speaker will be
James Ronald Kennedy, former Louisiana SCV Division Commander and co-author of
the national best seller, The South Was
Right!. Kennedy will speak on the subject, “Post Appomattox: Reconciliation
or Vindication?” Most of us have read Ron’s book, The South Was Right! a book that has sold hundreds of thousands of
copies. James Ronald Kennedy and his brother Walter Donald Kennedy have been
great defenders of the accurate political and military history of the War
Between the States and the Reconstruction period. I know you will be encouraged
and inspired by his presentation.
Please make every effort to be in attendance and bring someone
with you to our meeting September 9th. The chance to have a national level
speaker and author like Ronald Kennedy is a great opportunity to cultivate
potential new members. I am working on several prospects.
Yours in our Great Cause,
Dr. Andy Buckley, Commander
My Confederate Ancestor
The Biography of James White
month’s issue of the Captain James W. Bryan Camp Confederate Greys Newsletter
features the story of our newest member’s Confederate Ancestor. James White
Hellums. In the 21st century it is unusual to receive a new SCV member whose
grandfather served in the Confederate Army. Most of us have ancestors who are
our great grandfathers and in many cases our great-great grandfathers. We
welcome J.W. into our membership and celebrate the life and military service of
his grandfather, James White Hellums. J.W. is an environment scientist specializing in waste water treatment and certification.
He is co-owner of Booth-Hellums and Associates, here in Lake Charles. James White Hellums was an Arkansas cotton farmer whose 3000 acre
plantation included a gin and store. James White Hellums was born in Fayette,
Alabama on September 19, 1836 to William Hopwood Hellums and Eppy White. His
family moved to the Pine Buff, Arkansas area to farm cotton. James White
Hellums married Susannah Carleton and had 7 children. He passed away on June 26
1903 in Pine Bluff, Jefferson, Arkansas and was buried in the Bellwood
James White
Hellums enlisted in Co. K, 18th Arkansas Infantry, at Pine Bluff, Arkansas,
February 22, 1862. He served with the rank of private until appointed third
sergeant, June 13, 1862. By September, 1862 Hellums was appointed third
lieutenant and soon was promoted first lieutenant. Company K – the
"Jefferson Rifles" of the 18th Arkansas Infantry Regiment was organized
at Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas, on February 22, 1862, with the
election of David W. Carroll, captain; William F. Owen, first lieutenant;
second lieutenant; and Benjamin F. Hancock, third lieutenant. At least thirteen
men of Company K died in the measles epidemic of the spring of 1862. In June,
1862, seven of its members were transferred to the newly organized 12th
Arkansas Battalion (Sharpshooters). Company K suffered 24 casualties at the
Battle of Corinth, and surrendered with 44 men at Port Hudson, Louisiana. A
total of 119 men are known to have served in Company K. The regiment endured
the forty-eight day siege at Port Hudson and surrendered to General Nathaniel
P. Banks on July 9, 1863. Following the surrender the officers were sent as
prisoners to Johnson's Island Military Prison. Two audacious lieutenants of
Company K, however, James
White. Hellums and George P. Atkins, escaped from their captors by jumping from
the Union transport into the muddy water of the Mississippi River between
Napoleon and Helena, swam ashore, and eventually reached the Confederate lines
to continue their support of the Confederate cause.
Grave of James White Hellums

Louisiana Division,
Fall Assembly
year the Louisiana Division is required by our constitution to hold a Fall
Assembly where no business is conducted but is used as a learning seminar and
get together for our Division. In recent years we have sort of gotten
away from this format and the attendance numbers have suffered for it. At
every Fall Assembly there is a Division Executive Council meeting held that can
be attended by the members. In recent years the DEC meeting has been in
the morning and the Fall Assembly has been in the afternoon. We are going
to change things up a little this year.
Division Fall Assembly will take place on October 11, 2014, and will be
held at Fort Randolph in Pineville, LA. In the month since I took office
as Division Commander, folks have expressed their concern over the lack of
growth in our Division and is there any "good news" to share with the
members. This year we are going to devote the Fall Assembly to workshops
concerning recruiting and retention of members. I have speakers lined up
already and plan to add a couple more to the agenda. I don't believe it
will be boring and I am asking you, the membership, to give it a chance to
succeed. Our Division membership has been almost flat for going on 10
years now and we have to do something about it if we are going to continue as
an organization. Please mark your calendar to come to Fort Randolph in
Pineville on October 11 beginning at 9:00 A.M. to join
together and grow this Division. I mentioned in my first article in the
True Delta that the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Well,
this is the second bite.
DEC meeting will take place after the Fall Assembly and those of you who are
interested are welcome to attend this also. If you have any questions
contact me, your Brigade Commander, or any DEC member.
you and I look forward to seeing you in Pineville.
Thomas E. Taylor
Louisiana Division
of Confederate Veterans
Robert E. Lee’s Gettysburg
decades, the small stone house on Seminary Ridge from which Confederate Gen.
Robert E. Lee commanded his army during the Battle of Gettysburg has been
unprotected and surrounded by commercial development. But thanks to a national
fundraising campaign announced today by the Civil War Trust and other national
and Pennsylvania conservation leaders, permanent
preservation of General Lee’s Headquarters may soon be realized.
“From Independence
Hall to Gettysburg and the Flight 93 memorial, the Pennsylvania landscape bears
witness to some of the most pivotal moments in American history,” said Governor
Tom Corbett. “It is an honor for me to be here as we announce a campaign to
ensure that another chapter in that story remains available to our children and
make that vision a reality, the Civil War Trust formally launched the $5.5
million national fundraising campaign to
acquire the four-acre Lee’s Headquarters site during a news conference on
Seminary Ridge this morning. Also attending the news conference were First Lady
Susan Corbett, representatives of the U.S. Department of the Interior and
National Park Service, state and local officials, and representatives of the
Gettysburg Foundation, the Journey through Hallowed Ground National Heritage
Area, and the Lutheran Theological Seminary.
like this — where we have the opportunity to save sites of indisputable
significance to the outcome of the Civil War and, with it, the shaping of our
nation — are exactly why the Civil War Trust exists,” remarked organization
president James Lighthizer. “Ambitious efforts like the purchase of Lee’s
Headquarters will be among the most permanent and meaningful legacies of the
sesquicentennial commemoration.”
Thanks to the generosity of major
donors, a considerable portion of the fundraising goal has already been met. In
addition, the Trust expects to apply for a Civil War Land Acquisition Grant of
up to $1.5 million from the American Battlefield Protection Program, an agency
within the National Park Service. The Trust must
raise the remaining $1.1 million by the end of 2014.
Sept. 6, Port Hudson State Historic Site,
Zachary- FIREPOWER! 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Come out and watch a
demonstration of Civil War era weapons. Guest will be able to see how different
weapons were loaded, fired and used in battle. For more information call
888.677.3400 toll free or 654.3775 locally.
Sept. 27, Port Hudson State Historic Site,
Zachary- Nature Walk, 10 a.m. Come join the park ranger on a
guided tour along the paths of the historic site and discuss the historic
earthworks from the Civil War battle. Participants will get the chance to
observe and discuss nature, animals and forest noises. For more information call
888.677.3400 toll free or 654.3775 locally.
Sept. 29,
[National Park Service summary]MORGANZA, LA. – Following the Union defeat at Sabine Pass, Texas, September 8, 1863, earlier in the month, Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks intended to occupy important locations in Texas. He decided to send troops up the Bayou Teche, disembark them on the plains and march overland to Texas.
Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent him a division, commanded by Maj. Gen. Napoleon J.T. Dana to garrison Morganza and prevent Rebel troops from operating on the Atchafalaya River. A 1,000-man detachment, under the command of Lt. Col. J.B. Leake, was at Stirling’s Plantation to guard the road to
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Brig. Gen. Tom Green |
Brig. Gen. Alfred Mouton, commander of the Sub-District of Southwestern Louisiana, decided that he had a favorable opportunity to defeat the Union forces around Fordoche Bridge. On September 19, he instructed Brig. Gen. Tom Green to prepare for such an attack. Mouton provided Green with reinforcements and gave the order to attack on the 25th.
Green’s force began crossing the Atchafalaya River on the 28th, and all were over after midnight of the 29th. At dawn on the 29th, Green’s men marched out. Confederate cavalry began skirmishing with Union pickets at Fordoche Bridge before noon and continued for about a half hour.
Green’s other troops then hit the Union force, drove them and captured many, although most of the Federal cavalry found an escape route. Although Dana sent reinforcements, mud and rain slowed their progress and allowed Green to get away. Green had defeated this Union force handily, but it did not deter Banks from his intended movement.
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