Then next meeting of Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390
will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March. 14, at Pitt Grill, .2600 Ruth St. in Sulphur. The program is tentatively slated to
be on the Confederate States Navy.
Please see the list below for meeting
dates and places for 2013. The restaurants have been contacted and their
calendars marked accordingly. Meetings last from 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Amazen Seafood Restaurant (Lake Charles) June 11, August 13, and October
8 (Nomination of officers).
Pitt Grill (Sulphur) - May 14, July 9, September 10,
November 12 (elect officers).
The camp Christmas party date would be December 10 with the location to
be determined.
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Cmdr. Archie Toombs presenting donation from Capt. J.W. Bryan Camp to head of Niblett's Bluff Park Commission for historic preservation at the April Spring Festival. |
Commander’s Comments
What a good month to be a
Confederate. My month started at Pleasant Hill which was great, but next year
will be the 150th and you don't want to miss it. It will be the biggest yet
with more canons and more soldiers and, more chances to recruit new
people. Some of you helped at the gun show that weekend a big thanks for the
help. The next weekend I was in Palestine Texas dedicating a new
Confederate Memorial Plaza, They had a parade and a moving ceremony attended by
a large crowd of our compatriots from Texas, Ariz, Ark and of course La. I'm
sure there were other states present. I just didn't get a chance to meet them. Next
we had Niblett’s Bluff. The weather was great and we had an excellent turnout.
A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped make it a success. Next year at
Niblett’s Bluff there will be a reenactment for the 150th.Last but by no means
the least was being part of another Hunley Award presentation where Dr. Andy
Buckley did a great job of presenting it. The little Lady that received it last
year gave me a big hug and thanks again for the award, This is why we do this.
It is for the young people so they might learn the real truth about the War of
Northern Aggression.
This month our guest speaker will be John R. Burleigh from Port Neches, Texas. He will speak on the Confederate Navy, He is one of the best in our area on the subject and really enjoys telling the facts.
We need to keep Luke Dartez in our prayers. His wife Lizzy had to have emergency surgery on the 25th. She is doing good but still needs all our thoughts and prayers.
The next meeting will be May 14th at the Pitt Grill in Sulphur, The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy a good meal and visit with people that think the way you do, Bring a friend who might be interested in learning something about the Confederate Cause.
This month our guest speaker will be John R. Burleigh from Port Neches, Texas. He will speak on the Confederate Navy, He is one of the best in our area on the subject and really enjoys telling the facts.
We need to keep Luke Dartez in our prayers. His wife Lizzy had to have emergency surgery on the 25th. She is doing good but still needs all our thoughts and prayers.
The next meeting will be May 14th at the Pitt Grill in Sulphur, The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy a good meal and visit with people that think the way you do, Bring a friend who might be interested in learning something about the Confederate Cause.
Best regards.
Archie Toombs, Cmdr. Camp 1390
Compatriot Alfred
Cochran of Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390 obtained a resolution proclaiming
April as Confederate History and Heritage Month in Louisiana from Louisiana
Senator Blade Morris of District 25.
The resolution reads:
Whereas, the people of our state are united by a common history of
individual heritage and diverse cultures and out state and its parishes,
municipalities, and communities are rich in history of the War Between the states;
Whereas, Louisiana has long recognized her Confederate history, the
numerous civil war battlefields that mark every region of the state, the leaders and individuals who fought for their
homes and communities and the state in a time very different than ours today;
Whereas, Louisianans can appreciate the fact that when ultimately
overwhelmed by the insurmountable numbers and resources of the Union Army, the
surviving, imprisoned, and injured Confederate soldiers gave their word and allegiance
to the United States of America, and returned to their homes and families to
rebuild their communities in peace; and
Whereas, it is important for all residents to reflect upon our
state’s shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate
leaders, soldiers, and citizens during the period of the War Between the
States, and to recognize how our history has led to our present; and
Whereas, it is appropriate we honor those who served in the
Confederate States of America and educate the general public on Confederate
history; and
Whereas, the month of April
bears special significance since it marks both the beginning of the War Between
the States in 1861 and the end of the war in 1865.
Therefore, Be It Resolved that April is hereby
designated and recognized as “Confederate History and Heritage Month” and all
residents are urged to increase their knowledge of the role played by the
Confederate States of American in our country’s history.
Senator Blade Morrish,
District 25
By Mike Jones
I recently received the sad
news of the death, on March 28, 2013, of my old friend and co-author of Lee's
Foreign Legion: A History of the 10th Louisiana Infantry, Thomas Walter
Brooks of Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. While I live deep in rural South
Louisiana and Tom lived in Canada, we became friends and correspondents through
a mutual interest in the 10th Louisiana Infantry regiment. He belonged to the
10th Louisiana reenactment group and I was a descendant of one of the
regiment's soldiers, Pvt. Armelin Linscombe of Co. K., and also a reenactor
with the 28th Louisiana Infantry reenactment group.
Tom loved doing historical research and so did I, so we collaborated through
the mail on gathering information about the regiment with the hope of someday
publishing a regimental history. I live in an area of Louisiana where Company K
was raised, South Louisiana, and was made up mostly of Louisiana French natives. However most of the
regiment was made up of foreigners, predominantly Irish and German but with
many Canadians, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards and numerous other
nationalities. We decided to name the book Lee's Foreign Legion in
recognition of the diverse makeup of the regiment.
While I found many photographs of soldiers of the regiment from descendants
that I had met in the course of my research, Tom wrote the final draft,
had the excellent maps made, did all the statistical analysis that makes the book
unique, and most importantly, published the work on his own in 1995. The
book never would have happened without Tom. He was a man that could get things
I finally got to meet Tom in person at the
125th anniversary reenactment of Gettysburg in 1988. I found him to be a
fine man, honorable, serious and an all around good friend. We also reenacted
together again at a reenactment of the Battle of Pleasant Hill in Louisiana,
and the Battle of Murfreesboro reenactment in Tennessee. While we hadn't
corresponded for years before his death, I have nothing but fond memories
of this really good man and friend. God Bless You and Rest in Peace Tom!
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Gen. Robert E. Lee, master- mind of the brilliant Confederate victory at Chancellorsville. |
Army Center of Military History)
27 April - 6 May 1863.

by the victory at Chancellorsville, Confederate authorities decided to attempt
another invasion of the North. In early June Lee began moving his units up the
Shenandoah and Cumberland Valleys into Pennsylvania, where he was forced by the
exigencies of scanty supply to disperse his army over a broad area. Hooker had
become aware of Lee's intentions by mid-June, and had promptly started north
with his army, crossing the Potomac near Leesburg on 25-26 June. When Lee
learned of this he ordered his army to concentrate at once between Cashtown and
Sad Story of the Reeves Brothers
[Excerpted from Lee's
Foreign Legion: A History of the 10th Louisiana Infantry by Thomas
Walter Brooks and Michael Dan Jones, 1995]
The 10th Louisiana had
participated in the days' brilliant victory [of May 2nd], but such success does
not come without cost. The 2nd Louisiana Brigade of commander, Francis T.
Nicholls, lost his left foot to a well aimed piece of Federal solid shot. The
projectile went clean through his horse, killing the animal instantly.
Colonel Jesse Williams of the 2nd Louisiana took charge of the brigade.
Lieutenant Colonel John Leggett, commanding the 10th, was cut almost in half by
an artillery shell . He lingered long enough to beg forgiveness from his men for
the rancor that existed between he and they. Major Henry Monier replaced
Leggett to lead the 10th, only to be himself wounded the next day. Eighteen
year old Private James Anderson, the color-bearer of record for the day, and
ironically a Northerner as he was Ohio born, fell on the second. Indeed,
he was the first of a dozen men in the 10th who fell that day, and one the
next, carrying the colors. War has an insatiable appetite for death.
In addition to those already mentioned, twenty-four others in the 10th Louisiana were killed or died of wounds at Chancellorsville. Six of them were Irish. Two, Michael Flannagan and William Buckley, were married. Flannagan's widow was given his final account by the paymaster, and Buckley's widow Catherine received, in addition to that, a post-war land grant from the state of Louisiana. William Buckley was one of five men from the regiment who died at Chancellorsville, who were buried in Richmond's Hollywood Cemetery.
Three Germans fell as well. The death of one of them, Frederick Sark [of Company K], was described by [First Lieutenant] Edward Seton in his letter home.
"Poor Jim Reeves was killed [on May 3] to my left when I went to get his rifle to give to F. Sark whose gun would not fire and at that moment I was wounded and when I looked around to give Sark the gun I seen poor fellow he was killed also." Sark was 25-years-old.
A Corsican, Jean Bremont, and an
Italian, Josua Fumagalli were among the slain. The Frenchman Alphonse Jonte was
killed as were two Virginians, Charles Cooper and Henry Fleshman. Six
Louisianians died, and one Mississippian, he, the eldest of three Reeves
brothers in Company 'K,' James. John Reeves, the younger brother of James, was
shot and blinded in both eyes while fighting at his brothers side. To add more
grief to the Reeves family already sorrowful circumstances, James Reeves' wife
Tabitha died in childbirth. And that wasn't the end of the misery either.
Two months later, on Culp's Hill at Gettysburg, the third Reeves brother, Isaac
[twin of John], was slain. In the early 1870s,
Isaac Reeves' remains were disinterred from the pit in which he lay at
Gettysburg, and re-buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, in a box (box
3-261) with the bones of dozens of other men.
The Reeves family of Lake Charles,
Louisiana had nothing left to give to the cause. Three sons, a daughter-in-law,
and a grandchild had been taken in two short months.The 10th Louisiana went into battle with about 180 men. The total casualties suffered by the regiment at Chancellorsville, dead, wounded, and missing, totaled ninety-three.
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