The next meeting of Captain James W. Bryan Camp 1390 will be from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9, at Ryan's Steak House, 4051 Ryan S., Lake Charles.. Camp Chaplain Tommy Curtis will be the speaker and will give a report on the recently completed National Reunion in Montgomery, Alabama. Please come and enjoy this informative program and good food and fellowship.
July was an exciting month for the SCV with the annual National Reunion taking place in Montgomery, Alabama. Montgomery of course was the first capital of the Confederate States government, the scene of where Jefferson Davis was inaugurated president, and where the first Confederate Congress met 150 years-ago. Tommy Curtis will give us a full report on all the exciting happenings at the convention at our August meeting.
I also wanted to let the camp know that at our August meeting, we’ve decided to get our business underway at 6:30 p.m. rather than our usual 7 p.m.
This earlier start will give us more time to discuss our important camp business as well as more time for our programs.
Another item of interest is I’ve found an economical way to print our Camp cookbook in regular book form, which should bring in more revenue for the camp. Right now it is only available as an e-cookbook, which has had limited success. I’ll have a proof copy at the August meeting for you to look at. It is professionally published and something I think we can really be proud to sell for the camp. I’ve had to condense it a little bit to keep it at an affordable rate, but it will still have all of our delicious food recipes, many supplied by camp members.
The book will cost about $4.00 to manufacture and we can still sell it for $9.95 and still make a nice profit on each book sold. And as an extra bonus it will also be available for sale on and another Internet e-store. It is really a good deal for us.
Have a great summer.
Your obedient servant,
Mike Jones, commander
The TIger Rifles: The Making of a Louisiana Legend tells the story of the unit that was the origin of the famous name "Louisiana Tigers." Officially, the unit was Company B, of Wheat's Battalion. It became famous because of their flashy Zouave uniforms, their famous battalion commander, Major Roberdeau Wheat, and their heroics at First Battle of Manassas. Their nickname, Tigers, became attached, first to the battalion, and then to all Louisiana troops serving in the Army of Northern Virginia. The book tries to separate fact from myth with regards to the Tigers. The men became so notorious for their antics in camp, they got blamed for a lot of things they didn't do, although they did plenty on their own to deserve their reputation. Also examined is the possible real identity of their company commander, Captain Alexander White. His name is an alias but as far as is known, his real identity has been a mystery. The book focuses tightly on the men of the Tiger Rifles and brings them to life as much as the limited resources allows. The book is available at and at
Publication Date: Jul 14 2011
ISBN/EAN13: 1463554745 / 9781463554743Page Count: 204
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Language: English
Avery Island in the Civil War
Shane K. Bernard, Ph.D will be the guest speaker for the Young-Sanders Center for the Study of the War Between the States in Louisiana on Saturday August 6, 2011 at 1:30 pm. Dr. Bernard serves as historian and curator to the McIIhenny Company and Avery Island, Inc., Archives of Avery Island, Louisiana. He is the author of several books about south Louisiana culture and history.
Dr. Bernard will present a Power Point presentation on the War Between the States period of the history of Avery Island. During the war Avery Island was important to both the Confederate and Union Armies because of the large salt deposits. Dr. Bernard will present an account of events occurred at Avery Island during the War years.
Two Confederate Uniforms belonging to Captain Dudley Avery of Avery Island and other historical artifacts will be on display during Dr. Bernard’s visit to the Young-Sanders Center. Captain Avery was a student at Princeton University, New Jersey when he left there to enlist in the Confederate Army in Feb. 1861. He enlisted as a private in the Delta Rifles of the Fourth Louisiana Infantry and in July 1861 he was elected Lieutenant in Company D of the Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana Infantry. He served under General Mouton at the Battle of Shiloh where he was severely wounded. He later served under General Richard Taylor in Louisiana as Captain in all of General Taylor’s Campaigns.
Two Confederate Uniforms belonging to Captain Dudley Avery of Avery Island and other historical artifacts will be on display during Dr. Bernard’s visit to the Young-Sanders Center. Captain Avery was a student at Princeton University, New Jersey when he left there to enlist in the Confederate Army in Feb. 1861. He enlisted as a private in the Delta Rifles of the Fourth Louisiana Infantry and in July 1861 he was elected Lieutenant in Company D of the Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana Infantry. He served under General Mouton at the Battle of Shiloh where he was severely wounded. He later served under General Richard Taylor in Louisiana as Captain in all of General Taylor’s Campaigns.
Roland R. Stansbury, Director of the Young-Sanders Center, commented that “We are very fortunate to have these artifacts on display here at the Center during Dr. Bernard’s lecture. We sincerely hope the public takes advantage of the opportunity to view these wonderful artifacts and hear Dr. Bernard’s lecture on Avery Island in the Civil War.”
The Young-Sanders Center is located at 701 Teche Drive in Franklin, Louisiana one block from the St. Mary Parish Court house. There is no admission charge and the lecture is opened to the general public. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Roland Stansbury at (337) 413-1861 or contact us at
The Young-Sanders Center is located at 701 Teche Drive in Franklin, Louisiana one block from the St. Mary Parish Court house. There is no admission charge and the lecture is opened to the general public. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Roland Stansbury at (337) 413-1861 or contact us at
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1st Lt. Richard W. Dowling |
The 148th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Sabine Pass will take place September 9-11 at Sabine Pass Battleground State Park, 6100 Dowling Rd.
Port Arthur, Texas.
There will be two days of fun and excitement for everyone. Here is the schedule:
SATURDAY, Sept. 10
9:00 A.M. - Open to the public. Living History demonstrations all day.
10:00 A.M. - Court-martial and Execution of Lt. Elijah P. Allen for Desertion.
11:30 A.M. - Memorial Ceremony hosted by the Jefferson County Historical Commission
2:00 P.M. – Battle Reenactment.
SUNDAY, Sept. 11
9:00 A.M. - Open to the public. Camp Prayer Meeting. Living History demonstrations all day.
10:00 A.M. - Court-martial and Execution of Lt. Elijah P. Allen for Desertion.
2:00 P.M. – Battle Reenactment.
The site is located 1.5 miles south of the town of Sabine Pass on Dick Dowling Rd. and 15 miles south of Port Arthur via State Highway 87.
State Highway 87 is closed between Sea Rim State Park and High Island, Texas. Address: 6100 Dowling Rd. Port Arthur, Texas
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An Unidentified Louisiana Private. (Library of Congress) |
The Richmond Daily Dispatch
July 26, 1861
The Battle of Stone Bridge.
Additional Particulars.
Official report of the fight.
"A Louisianian" communicates the following interesting intelligence to this paper:
To the Editors of the Dispatch:
The gallant Colonel Wheat is not dead, as was reported yesterday, but strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. All Louisiana, and I trust all lovers of heroism in the Confederate States, will say Amen to the prayer, that he and all his wounded compatriots in arms may be restored to the service of their country, to their families and friends, long to live and enjoy the honors due to their dauntless spirits.
I have just read a letter from Capt. George McCausland, Aid to General Evans, written on behalf of Major Wheat to a relative of Lt. Allen C. Dickinson, Adjutant of Wheat's Battalion.
For the information of the family and friends of Lieut. Dickinson, I extract a portion of the letter, viz! "He (Major Wheat,) deeply regrets to say that our dear friend (Lieut. D) was so unfortunate as to receive a wound, which, slight as it is, will prevent him, for some time, from rendering those services now so needed by our country. The wound is in the leg, and although very painful, is not dangerous. To one who knows Lieut. D. as he supposes you do, it is unnecessary to say that he received the wound in the front, fighting as a soldier and a Southerner. With renewed assurances of the slightness of the wound, and of his appreciation of Lieut. Dickinson's gallantry, he begs you to feel no uneasiness on his account."
Lieut. Dickinson is a native of Caroline county, Virginia, a relative of the families of Brashear, Magruder and Anderson. For some years he has resided in New Orleans, and at an early period joined a company of Lousianians to fight for the liberties of his country. He fought with his battalion, which was on the extreme left of our army and in the hottest of the contest, until he was wounded. His horse having been killed under him, he was on foot with sword in one hand and revolver in the other, about fifty yards from the enemy, when a Minnie ball struck him. He fell and lay over an hour, when, fortunately, Gen. Beauregard and Staff, and Capt. McCausland, passed. The generous McCausland dismounted and placed Dickinson on his horse.
Of the bravery of Lieut. D., it is not necessary to say a word, when a man so well noted for chivalry as Robert Wheat has said that he appreciated the gallantry of his Adjutant. Lieut. D. is doing well and is enjoying the kind care and hospitality of Mr. Waggoner and family, on Clay street, in this city.
Maj. Wheat's battalion fought on the extreme left, where the battle raged hottest. Although only 400 strong, they, with a Georgia regiment, charged a column of Federalists, mostly regulars, of 3,000. When the battle was over, less than half responded to the call, and some of them are wounded.
When and where all were brave almost to a fault, it would seem invidious to discriminate. But from the position of the battalion, and the known courage of its leader, officers and men, the bloody result might have been anticipated. It is said of one of the companies that, upon reaching the enemy's column, they threw down their rifles,(having no bayonets,) drew their bowie-knives, and cut their way through the enemy, with a loss of two-thirds of the company. Such was the dauntless bravery of Wheat's battalion, and such is the heroism of the Confederate army.